I'm Jordan ♃ (They/Them)

[Programming]:- C++, Pyhton, Assembly, PHP, JavaScript
[Web Dev]:- HTML, CSS, API Systems, Database Systems, Backend
[Frameworks]:- NodeJS, Evennia, Godot Game Engine
[Hardware]:- 6502 Emulation, Logic Circuitry, Electronics Engineering

[Tools]:- VS Code, Visual Studio

I'm a 22 y/o student at Abertay University studying BSc(Hons) Computing. I have an interest in writing and have three main narative universes I write and (attempt to) draw art for. And a few I have abbandonned

I am very interested in computer science, engineering and anything that involves machines really. I am very insufferable about big robots and brutalism, and stuff like that. I have a broad range of skills in computer science. I enjoy programming low level and backend systems because my goal is to one day end up as the software wizard who is the only living person who knows how a system works. Although I also have experience in front end stuff and more high level programming such as game engine work.